岐阜県の郡上八幡には「郡上おどり」という有名な夏祭りがあり、郡上おどりは「踊り下駄」と「手ぬぐい」が必須アイテムでもあります。 その「手ぬぐい」を郡上市の地場産業「シルクスクリーン印刷」で作ってもらい、その手ぬぐいを持ってまた郡上八幡に遊びに来てもらいたい!という思いを込めて 「手作り手ぬぐい体験」がいつでもできるお店を作りました。
Gujo city has a popular traditional summer dance festival called Gujo Odori. Some of the essential items for the dance are Geta (Japanese clogs) and Tenugui ( Japanese traditional towel) ! We conduct hands-on Tenugui screen printing sessions at our studio every day. We hope that our customers will come back to the summer dance festival one day with the Tenugui that they've screen printed at our studio! Would you like to experience screen printing your very own Tenugui with the designs and colors of your choice?
Gujo city has a popular traditional summer dance festival called Gujo Odori. Some of the essential items for the dance are Geta (Japanese clogs) and Tenugui ( Japanese traditional towel) ! We conduct hands-on Tenugui screen printing sessions at our studio every day. We hope that our customers will come back to the summer dance festival one day with the Tenugui that they've screen printed at our studio! Would you like to experience screen printing your very own Tenugui with the designs and colors of your choice?